Туђи говор у енглеско-српским преводима
Reported Speech in English-Serbian Translations
Туђи говор у енглеско-српским преводима
Reported Speech in English-Serbian Translations
Вукчевић Вања
Наслов журнала
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Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву, Филозофски факултет Пале
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy Pale
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy Pale
Предмет ове докторске дисертације, и, сходно томе, центар њеног истраживања јесте обликовање феномена туђег говора унутар романа Вирџиније Вулф: Госпођа Даловеј и Ка светионику, Харпер Ли: Убити птицу ругалицу и Иди постави стражара, Тонија Парсонса: Човек и дечак и Одласци и Казуа Ишигура Остаци дана. У најширем смислу, ријеч је о контрастивном аналитичком приступу одабраној грађи, у оквиру кога се комбинују микролингвистички и макролингвистички приступ, да би се сагледао феномен обликовања туђег говора у два језика – енглеском и српском. С тим у вези, неопходно је било да се користе методе, домети и литература лингвистичких и наратолошких метода, како би се што прецизније препознала и потом описала за анализу најзначајнија мјеста унутар поредбене интерлингвалне конструкције.
У уводном и завршном поглављу дисертације, као и у уводним параграфима сваког поглавља понаособ, настојали смо да се позабавимо прво теоријским утемељењем проблема и начинима на који ће се он рјешавати, а онда и у озбиљнијој мјери, анализом примјера у српском и енглеском језику који се доносе напоредо. На тим мјестима, поред примарно лингвистичких, нарочито долазе до изражаја методе проучавања науке о књижевности. Стога се врло често служимо и оном терминологијом која је карактеристична за наратологију (приповједач, приповједна инстанца, фокализација, категорија наративног гласа, итд.).
С тим у вези, анализа је указала на неслагања у семантичком смислу између изворника на енглеском језику и превода на српском. Њима је посвећена нарочита пажња са аспекта формалне језичко-стилске анализе, колико и са тачке гледишта теорија приповиједања. Ова теза покушала је на неколиким примјерима да да одговор на питања да ли је превод могуће „побољшати“, или је он, према ријечима Умберта Ека, „умјетност неуспјеха“.
На широком и врло шареноликом опусу четири модерна аутора која пишу на енглеском језику (од којих су троје и наши савременици), ова дисертација је настојала да понуди одговоре на практична питања како се туђи говор понаша најприје у изворнику, а затим и у преводу. Зато је најприје било потребно и установити како се његови структурни чиниоци (поставка реченице, глаголи, замјенице, интерпункција, итд.) понашају у првом, па затим и у другом језику. Одмах се дошло до закључка да индивидуалне приповједне поетике у највећој могућој мјери диференцирају однос према туђем говору, форсирајући код различитих аутора, избором начина на који се наратор поставља, одређени тип обликовања туђе ријечи. Фрагментарни цитати, слободни (не)управни говори, случајеви гдје је готово немогуће
разлучити коме говор припада – доминираће у приповиједању Вирџиније Вулф, док ће удио „чистих“ реченица управног говора бити претежнији код Парсонса и Харпер Ли, што се, са тачке теорија о модерности и постмодерности нарације посредоване доминацијом хибридних конструкција, показује као помало парадоксална појава.
Стилогени ефекти различитих типова транспозиције говора другог гласа у нарацији тако ће кроз анализу (а ослањајући се највише на Ковачевића, Бахтина и Принса), бити доведени до закључка конструисаног од уједињених лингвистичких, стилистичких и наратолошких перспектива: да се наиме кроз анализу туђег говора најбоље и с минимумом могућности за грешку види тип приповједног дискурса самог.
The subject of this doctoral dissertation, and, accordingly, the center of its research is the formation of the phenomenon of other people's speech within the novels of Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Post a Watchman, Tony Parsons, The Man and the Boy and The Departures and Kazuyo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day. In the broadest sense, it is about a contrastive analytical approach concerning the selected material, within which microlinguistic and macrolinguistic approaches are employed and combined, in order to look at the phenomenon of the shaping of someone else's speech in two languages - English and Serbian. In this regard, it was necessary to use the methods, ranges and literature of linguistic and narratological methods, in order to recognize as precisely as possible and then describe for analysis the most significant places within the comparative interlingual construction. The dissertation tries, in the introductory and final chapters, as well as in the introductory paragraphs of each individual chapter, to deal first with the theoretical foundation of the problem and the ways in which it will be solved, and then to a more serious extent with the analysis of the examples in Serbian and English that are presented next to each other. The methods of studying the science of literature, in addition to the primarily linguistic ones, especially come to the fore in those places. Therefore, we often use the terminology that is distinctive for narratology (narrator, narrative instance, focalization, category of narrative voice, etc...) In regard to this, there was an analysis of discrepancies in the semantic sense between the original in English and the translation in Serbian. Particular attention was paid to those languages from the aspect of formal linguistic and stylistic analysis, as well as from the point of view of storytelling theory. This thesis tried to use several examples to answer the questions of whether translation can be "improved", or whether it is, in the words of Umberto Eco, "the art of failure". Based on the wide and varied oeuvre of four modern authors who write in English (three of whom are our contemporaries), this paper tried to answer practical questions about how other people's speech behaves, first in the original, and then in translation. Therefore, it was firstly necessary to establish how its structural factors (sentence setting, verbs, pronouns, punctuation, etc. ) behave in the first, and then in the second language. The conclusion was immediately reached that individual narrative poetics to the greatest extent possible differentiate the attitude towards other people's speech, forcing different authors, by choosing the way in which the narrator is positioned, a certain type of shaping of other people's words. Fragmentary quotations, free (non)directive speeches, cases where it is almost impossible to distinguish to whom the speech belongs - will dominate in the narration of Virginia Woolf, while the share of "pure" sentences of directed speech will be more predominant in Parsons and Harper Lee, which, from the point of view of theories about modernity and postmodernity of the narrative mediated by the dominance of hybrid constructions, shows as a somewhat paradoxical phenomenon. Stylogenic effects of different types of transposition of the other's speech will thus be brought to a conclusion constructed from unified linguistic, stylistic and narratological perspectives through analysis (and relying on Kovačević, Bakhtin and Prince): namely, through the analysis of another's speech, the best and with the minimum possibility for he sees the type of narrative discourse itself as a mistake.
The subject of this doctoral dissertation, and, accordingly, the center of its research is the formation of the phenomenon of other people's speech within the novels of Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Post a Watchman, Tony Parsons, The Man and the Boy and The Departures and Kazuyo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day. In the broadest sense, it is about a contrastive analytical approach concerning the selected material, within which microlinguistic and macrolinguistic approaches are employed and combined, in order to look at the phenomenon of the shaping of someone else's speech in two languages - English and Serbian. In this regard, it was necessary to use the methods, ranges and literature of linguistic and narratological methods, in order to recognize as precisely as possible and then describe for analysis the most significant places within the comparative interlingual construction. The dissertation tries, in the introductory and final chapters, as well as in the introductory paragraphs of each individual chapter, to deal first with the theoretical foundation of the problem and the ways in which it will be solved, and then to a more serious extent with the analysis of the examples in Serbian and English that are presented next to each other. The methods of studying the science of literature, in addition to the primarily linguistic ones, especially come to the fore in those places. Therefore, we often use the terminology that is distinctive for narratology (narrator, narrative instance, focalization, category of narrative voice, etc...) In regard to this, there was an analysis of discrepancies in the semantic sense between the original in English and the translation in Serbian. Particular attention was paid to those languages from the aspect of formal linguistic and stylistic analysis, as well as from the point of view of storytelling theory. This thesis tried to use several examples to answer the questions of whether translation can be "improved", or whether it is, in the words of Umberto Eco, "the art of failure". Based on the wide and varied oeuvre of four modern authors who write in English (three of whom are our contemporaries), this paper tried to answer practical questions about how other people's speech behaves, first in the original, and then in translation. Therefore, it was firstly necessary to establish how its structural factors (sentence setting, verbs, pronouns, punctuation, etc. ) behave in the first, and then in the second language. The conclusion was immediately reached that individual narrative poetics to the greatest extent possible differentiate the attitude towards other people's speech, forcing different authors, by choosing the way in which the narrator is positioned, a certain type of shaping of other people's words. Fragmentary quotations, free (non)directive speeches, cases where it is almost impossible to distinguish to whom the speech belongs - will dominate in the narration of Virginia Woolf, while the share of "pure" sentences of directed speech will be more predominant in Parsons and Harper Lee, which, from the point of view of theories about modernity and postmodernity of the narrative mediated by the dominance of hybrid constructions, shows as a somewhat paradoxical phenomenon. Stylogenic effects of different types of transposition of the other's speech will thus be brought to a conclusion constructed from unified linguistic, stylistic and narratological perspectives through analysis (and relying on Kovačević, Bakhtin and Prince): namely, through the analysis of another's speech, the best and with the minimum possibility for he sees the type of narrative discourse itself as a mistake.
Кључне речи
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Harper Lee, To Kill a
Mockingbird, Go Set a Watchman, Tony Parsons, The Man and the Boy, Departures, Kazuo
Ishiguro, Remains of the Day, English language, contrastive analysis, types of reported speech ,
narratology, Serbian language,
Вирџинија Вулф, Госпођа Даловеј, Ка светионику, Харпер Ли,
Убити прицу ругалицу, Иди постави стражара, Тони Парсонс, Човек и дечак, Тони
Парсонс, Одласци, Казуо Ишигуро, Остаци дана, енглески језик, контрастивна анализа,
типови туђег говора, наратологија, српски језик